Hearing Aids Hull
What services does Sound Advice Hearing Centre provide?
Sound Advice Hearing Centre provides Hull customers with various services, including an online hearing test. If you are not comfortable testing online, simply schedule a hearing test with an auditory expert in one of our various branches. Sound Advice Hearing Centre also offers video otoscopy, tympanometry, speech testing, tinnitus assessment and maintenance. We are willing to cater to your needs and your situation.
Online hearing Test
Our online hearing test can provide you with instant feedback as the test only takes three minutes. We recommend you take the test in a quiet area with limited distractions, so your test results can be as accurate as possible.
If you are not comfortable doing your hearing tests online, consider being tested in one of our Sound Advice Hearing Centres.

In-branch Test
An in-branch hearing test takes about an hour, and an experienced audiologist will help you every step of the way. Consider bringing a companion with you to help you hear the instructions and keep the process as smooth as possible. Bring any auditory devices such as hearing aids and a complete list of your medications when you come into our branch for a hearing test. This way, we can assess the severity of your condition and know how to best treat you and your condition.
The in-branch hearing test can include various testing, depending on your specific circumstances. Patients may have an extended frequency range test, which pushes the entire hearing spectrum to 20,000 hertz. A video otoscopy may be required as well. This test takes a video inside the ear canal to assess any damage or blockage.
Other tests include tympanometry, which tests the function of the middle ear, a tinnitus assessment, speech testing, and speech in noise testing. If you decide to get your hearing tested at Sound Advice Hearing Centres, you can be sure that we will identify the solutions needed for your circumstance.
Hearing Aid Maintenance
If you have a hearing aid, you know how important it is to keep them clean and up-to-date. A hearing aid that’s clean and well maintained will not only have better performance, but it’ll last longer, saving you money.
Clean your hearing aids every day. Make sure that you wash and dry your hands before doing so. Use a dry cloth or tissue to clean the hearing aid. Remember not to use any liquids, including alcohol, water, or cleaning products, as these can damage your device.
When cleaning your hearing aids, hold them over a soft surface. Hearing aids are somewhat fragile, and if they are dropped from a significant height or onto a hard surface, they may become damaged. Also, when not in use, store your hearing aids safely on a flat surface, preferably a soft towel or cloth.

Wax Removal
Ear wax protects our ears against infection. It’s natural and important, so leave it alone if ear wax is not causing you any sort of issue. Most people don’t require their ears to be cleaned because these body parts are self-cleaning.
However, in some instances, ear wax may build up. Sometimes impacted ear wax happens due to the size or shape of an ear canal. Other times, ear wax builds up because it has been pushed farther into the ear canal by a hearing aid or earbud. If an accumulation of ear wax becomes uncomfortable or interferes with using a hearing aid, it may need to be addressed as it can be harmful.
Ear wax Treatment
Sound Advice Hearing Centres offers a variety of options to treat ear wax accumulation. Ear irrigation is the most common treatment. It involves rinsing out a patient’s ear with warm water supplied by an electronic irrigator. It is not an uncomfortable or invasive procedure, but it may not be appropriate for some patients.
Another option for clearing ear wax accumulation is micro-suction. Just as it sounds, micro-suction treatments involve suctioning wax from a patient’s ear using a small vacuum pump.

Get the Help You Need
If you are in the Hull area and require support with your hearing needs, contact Sound Advice Hearing Centres for a free hearing test. We have supported many in their fight to improve their hearing. Our team is ready to help you.